I decided to skip the February article because, well, not much happened. The entire family came down with covid and us olds were hit pretty hard, certainly hard enough we couldn’t do anything other than watering. Right at the end of the month (22nd Feb) we planted out the radishes with the kids.

In the workshop I made a seed box (finished 21st Mar) which went surprisingly well. I think the wood was originally from a cupboard, horrible dusty stuff to work with but gave a nice finish.

By the 24th of March the lettuces were ready to transplant themselves and the peas had all but climbed out of the window. I’ve come to the conclusion I made a mistake with the spring onions, they needed to be planted deeper and multi-sown.

On the 28th March I potted the lettuce on into 10cm pots. I think this will probably be enough to bring them to full size as Tom Thumb only grow to around 15cm at full size. Using half size gravel trays I was able to arrange four plants per tray. A few of the lower leaves were looking a little yellow so I’ve put a few granules of fertilizer in the tray, I water from below so I’m hoping that will allow the goodness to spread through the soil. I’m really pleased with how these are going, they are delicate plants and I didn’t think I’d be able to get anything looking this good. The other half of the lettuce tray has been planted with more spring onions (making my earlier mistake worse probably).

There’s a lot to cover in the next photo from 3rd April. The peas needed to go out so I bought some fence posts and stakes in order to make a pea wall. The ground is super soft so the stakes were really easy to sink, I could nearly push them in by hand half way. I’ve planted out the seven peas we started all the way back in January (an early variaty, I forget which). They aren’t looking all that healthy but a couple are actually trying to fruit! In front of the pea fence I’ve planted a row of carrots and watered them in. The seed (Nantes 3 mostly) I’ve used for the carrots is a bit old so fingers crossed something comes up. If it’s no showing signs in a couple of weeks I’ll get some fresh seed and try again.