My tumble down house never seems to not need some work doing on it. At the moment that means I’m restoring the sash windows at the front of the house. They are about 200 years old and probably haven’t been…
Three Malt and Sunflower Flour
This page details items backed using the Three Malt and Sunflower flour from Shipton Mill. This is a premium flour and at the time of writing is £2.45/kg (compared with £1.80/kg for plain white bread flour). The flour contains malted…
Abus Titalium Collection
I recently bought myself a small collection of Abus Titalium locks. The name suggests that these are made from or at least contain titanium but as far as I can tell that isn’t the case. From the weight I assume…
Gutting a Gege AP1000 Cylinder Lock
I decided to have a shot at picking one of my Gege AP1000 cylinder locks (specifically #1 which is 55mm long and snapped.). The keyway and side profile of the lock can be seen in this earlier post. This is…
Various Cylinder Locks
The locks below are part of my collection I bought them as a job lot and didn’t know what any of them were. These are my best guesses. Gege AP1000 Cylinders I have three of these, two in brass and…
Abus E20 Nickel Plate Half Cylinder – Mystery Lock
I bought this lock as part of a job lot of snapped euro cylinders. All of them came with keys but none of them came with any information and it turns out cylinders don’t seem to have markings telling you…
Planting in 2024
This is a list of all the vegetables (and maybe a few other plants) for 2024. Mostly this is for my own reference but you might be interested to see when I plant things. I live in the UK and…
Seed Trays
Each year I try something new with my vegetable growing. A few years back it was no dig, which was a great success. This year I’m going to try long life seed trays. I guessing I’m not alone in obsessing…
All About Compost
I tried the no dig method of vegetable gardening a few years ago and I was immediately sold on (most of) it. Laying a fresh lot of compost on the ground is far less work than digging it and as…
What We’re Growing in 2024
We’re growing much more this year than we have in previous years thanks to some extra ground becoming available to us. I was trying to keep everything in my head but it quickly became apparent that wasn’t going to work……
Growing Sweet Potatoes in the UK
I’ve decided this year (2024) I’ll have a crack at growing sweet potatoes. From what I’ve read it should be possible to get a crop as long as they are started early enough and we have a reasonable summer. They…
LED Array Lamp Part 5
In the previous a part of this series I gave an overview of the lamp. In this part I’ll get to the point where it’s possible to write to the LED’s. This won’t be the final form of the LED…
LED Array Lamp Part 4
I’m going to start this article with photographs of the built lamp as there’s no way I’m taking it apart again for continuity. I think it’s also useful to see that it’s almost identical to what I showed at the…
LED Array Lamp Part 3
In part 2 I got just a handful of LED’s running directly from the Raspberry Pi. That’s a little bit risky so in this article I’ll look at some other options for powering the LED’s. Firstly… It bugged me that…
LED Array Lamp Part 2
As I mentioned at the end of the last part of this series I got the lamp to the point where it was built and I’d started testing but then gave up on the project. At this point I can’t…