Three Malt and Sunflower Flour

This page details items backed using the Three Malt and Sunflower flour from Shipton Mill. This is a premium flour and at the time of writing is £2.45/kg (compared with £1.80/kg for plain white bread flour).

The flour contains malted and roasted wheat, barley and rye which gives it a fabulous smell and colour. Additionally sunflower, linseed and pumpkin seeds are added which contribute to the texture. The final colour of the flour is a light speckled brown.

Basic Loaf

A basic loaf simply follows the Plain White Bread recipe. I’ve moved away from making batches based around 1000g of flower to using 500g as the former was too much bread to eat all in one go. I initially tried 70% hydration with this flour (e.g. 325g water to 500g flour) and it was a little much, 60% to 65% would be fine.