Various Cylinder Locks

The locks below are part of my collection I bought them as a job lot and didn’t know what any of them were. These are my best guesses.

Gege AP1000 Cylinders

I have three of these, two in brass and one that I think it nickle plated. I found what appears to be the same type in this old video. The AP1000 is currently listed as a green belt although the stock photo shows only 5 pins and I’m fairly sure mine have 6. It’s not uncommon for there to be slight variations across a range. All have anti-drill pins.

Roto Euro Cylinders

I can find essentially nothing about these cylinders. There is a company called Roto Frank that make door locks but I can’t find any individual cylinders on their site or for sale. I have found a couple of videos that appear to be picking these locks, here and here.

I have two of these, one in brass, one bright plated. Both appear to be 6 pin, the brass one has anti-drill pins.

Era Cylinder

No idea what this one is, Era make a wide range of unnamed items. It might be part of their one star euro-cylinder range.

Era Oval Cylinders

I think this first one is a “ERA 5-Pin Oval Double Cylinder”, they don’t seem to have names that aren’t basically descriptions. This design has a square opening before becoming a more standard style keyway.

This second one also doesn’t seem to have a particular name. I’ve found it for sale but it was just described as a oval cylinder. Notice though that it has a more standard style of keyway.